López, Mauro | Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México |
Arteaga, Marco A. | Universidad Nacional Autónoma De México |
Pliego Jimenez, Javier | CICESE |
Resumen: This paper addresses the control–observer design problem for bilateral teleoperation systems that employ communication channels that impose variable time delays. These delays are a function of different factors such as, for example, congestion, bandwidth or distance. Bilateral teleoperators allow people to perform complex tasks in remote or inaccessible environments. When a robots is operated remotely by use of teleoperator robot, it is desirable communicate contact force and position from the slave to master and vice versa. In order to kinesthetically couple the operator to the environment and increase the sense of telepresence, a teleoperation control–observer scheme for bilateral systems with variable time delays is given. It is shown that the velocity observation errors tend to zero while position tracking is achieved in free motion. Additionally, in constrained motion, the human operator has force feedback and therefore his/her feeling of telepresence is increased. Furthermore our scheme achieve joint tracking without the knowledge of the dynamics model. Real experiments, using the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) validate the scheme.
¿Cómo citar?
Mauro López, Marco Arteaga & Javier Pliego. Observer Design for Bilateral Teleoperators with Variable Time Delays. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 303-309, 2019.
Palabras clave
Robótica y Mecatrónica, Control de Sistemas No Lineales, Control Robusto
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