Mera, Manuel | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Ríos, Héctor | Tecnológico Nacional de México, La Laguna |
Efimov, Denis | Université de Lille |
Resumen: This paper presents a novel controller for the evader in the pursuit–evasion game, when each player is modeled as a single integrator. The resulting control design does not require any information on the pursuer control, only requires information on the pursuer state. The resulting control ensures the escape of the evader from the pursuer under an adequate selection and design of the evader controller parameters. Additionally, the synthesis of this controller is constructive and can be tuned straightforwardly since it is obtained from the solution of an LMI. The stability analysis of the tracking error dynamics is carried out considering a Lyapunov–like function and the effectiveness of the proposed result is illustrated through some simulations.
¿Cómo citar?
Mera, M., Ríos, H. & Efimov, D. (2024). A Controller Design for Evaders Considering Single Integrator Dynamics. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 1-6.
Palabras clave
Pursuit–Evasion Problem, Nonlinear Control, Lyapunov methods
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