Guzman-Ortiz, Eduardo Antonio | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Alvarez-Salas, Ricardo | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Martinez-Padron, Daniel Sting | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Miranda, Homero | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Méndez-Azúa, Héctor | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Rivera, Ana | Universidad Autonoma De San Luis Potosi |
Resumen: This work presents a comparison of two nonlinear speed-tracking controllers for three-phase permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drives. The chosen algorithms are the Interconnection and Damping Assignment Passivity-Based Control (IDA-PBC) and the classical Field-Oriented Control (FOC). Furthermore, a detailed and realistic simulation study is performed, taking into account the power electronic converter. Finally, some figures of merit are used to evaluate the controllers' performance.

¿Cómo citar?
E. A. Guzman-Ortiz, R. Alvarez-Salas, D. Martinez, H. Miranda-Vidales, H. Mendez-Azua & A. C. Rivera-Rivera. A Comparison of Nonlinear Controllers for Three-Phase Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor Drives. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 304-309, 2021.
Palabras clave
PMSM, IDA-PBC, FOC, speed-tracking
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