Evert Josué Guajardo Benavides | Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon |
Efraín Alcorta-García | Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon |
Resumen: The tracking control for port-controlled Hamiltonian(PCH) systems still represents a control challenge, even despite various results available in the literature. In this paper a canonical transformation available in the literature is used in order to transfer and/or to obtain controllers which solve the tracking problem in port-Hamiltonian systems and preserve the PCH structure either. The corresponding results are shown for three controllers. The considered procedure allows to transfer some existing results from Euler-Lagrange structure to the port-Hamiltonian ones, establishing clearly the requirements. A two degrees of freedom robot model is used in order to show and discuss the results obtained.

¿Cómo citar?
Evert Josué Guajardo Benavides & Efraín Alcorta-García. A development framework for tracking control in Hamiltonian systems. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Palabras clave
Tracking control, generalized canonical transformations, PCH systems
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