Cervantes-Pérez, Luis | Tecnológico Nacional de México, La Laguna |
Santibáñez, Victor | Tecnológico Nacional de México, La Laguna |
Sandoval, Jesus | Tecnológico Nacional de México, La Paz |
Resumen: This paper presents a new robust adaptive joint position trajectory tracking control for torque-driven robot manipulators using a novel parameter identification scheme. The novelty of this identification scheme is that ensures convergence of the true parameters exponentially, even when the regressor do not verify the stringent condition of persistent excitation, using a classical normalized gradient descendent adaptive law. An indirect adaptive controller approach is used to combine the identification scheme with a robust model based GES controller to verify joint position trajectory tracking control objectives under constant disturbances. The validity of our claims are illustrated with simulations of a two degrees-offreedom robot manipulator.

¿Cómo citar?
Cervantes Pérez, L., Santibanez, V. & Sandoval, J. (2024). A new robust indirect adaptive control for torque-driven robot manipulators under relaxed excitation conditions. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 511-517. https://doi.org/10.58571/CNCA.AMCA.2024.087
Palabras clave
Parameter estimation, Estimation algorithms, Euler-Lagrange systems, Passivity-based control
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