Rojas-Ricca, Bryan | CINVESTAV |
Garrido, Rubén | CINVESTAV |
Mondie, Sabine | CINVESTAV |
Resumen: This paper introduces an open-source Python software that achieves a high performance for the sampled period, despite running on a general-purpose operating system instead of a real-time operating system. The software is designed to implement control systems and experiment with physical platforms, particularly the Quanser Qube-Servo 2. This article describes the coding design, numerical methods, modeling, and identification of the Qube-Servo 2, the control design, and its implementation. Finally, a quick guide to downloading via GitHub and installation requirements are provided.

¿Cómo citar?
Rojas Ricca, B., Garrido, R. & Mondie, S. (2024). A Python-Based Open-Source Software for Real-Time Control Systems. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 542-547.
Palabras clave
Software for system identification, Linear systems, Real-time algorithms, scheduling, and programming
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