Rascón C., Raúl | Univ. Autónoma De Baja California |
Medina Barrera, Misael | Facultad De Ingeniería Mexicali, Univ. Autónoma De Baja California |
Calvillo Téllez, Andrés | Inst. Pol. Nacional – CITEDI |
Rosas, David | UABC |
Resumen: A dynamic feedback control law is presented to solve the tracking problem in completely actuated mechanical systems of n degrees of freedom, this is achieved without using velocity measurements nor observer/differentiator algorithms. Moreover viscous friction can be compensated by the algorithm. Only position measurements are available for feedback, by this way this new proposal do not require to measure or estimate another signal but the position of the mechanical system in order to achieve the control objective. It is proved that the equilibria set of the closed-loop system are globally asymptotically stable.

¿Cómo citar?
Raúl Rascón Carmona, Misael Medina Barrera, Andrés Calvillo Téllez & David Rosas Almeída. A Tracking Controller for Mechanical Systems with Only Position Measurements as Feedback. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 55-59, 2018.
Palabras clave
Mechanical systems, friction, dynamic control, output feedback, asymptotic stability
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