Sanchez-Robles, Itzel | TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico De Tijuana |
Valle, Paul | TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico De Tijuana |
Ramirez-Villalobos, Ramon | TecNM/Instituto Tecnológico De Tijuana |
Resumen: This paper is focused on the study of the global dynamics of a chaotic-cancer system. This mathematical model describes the dynamics of cancer cells and its interaction with healthy cells and effector-immune cells, the system considers the influx of effector cells by adding an immunotherapy treatment parameter. By applying the Localization of Compact Invariant Sets method we derive lower and upper bounds with conditions written in terms of the immunotherapy treatment parameter. Furthermore, due to the diffculty to measure the population of effector-immune cells in lab environments, a nonlinear observer is designed to estimate the concentration of these cells. We design the observer by considering the measurements of cancer cells and healthy host cells, as well as the upper bounds computed with the LCIS method. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate and support the analytical results.

¿Cómo citar?
Itzel Sanchez-Robles, Paul A. Valle-Trujillo & Ramon Ramirez-Villalobos. Analysis and Estimation of Chaotic Tumor Evolution under Immunotherapy Treatment. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 726-731, 2019.
Palabras clave
Sistemas Biomédicos, Sincronización de Sistemas, Sistemas Caóticos
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