Liliana Michel Martínez Rugerio | Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla |
J. F. Guerrero-Castellanos | Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla |
Resumen: This article presents the development of a simulator and an in-depth analysis of two dynamic reconfiguration algorithms for photovoltaic arrays. The analyzed dynamic reconfiguration algorithms (ERA and SRA) are based on the concept of “irradiance equalization”, which seeks to reduce the partial shading effect’s losses. Both algorithms work in a Total-Cross-Tied (TCT) architecture and differ by the strategy used. The obtained results are analyzed, and a comparison with traditional schema is carried out to assess its effectiveness.
Some recommendations for real-time implementation are outlined.

¿Cómo citar?
Liliana Michel Martínez Rugerio & J. Fermi Guerrero-Castellanos. Analysis and Simulation of a Dynamic Reconfiguration Algorithm for a Photovoltaic Array. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Palabras clave
Partial Shading, Irradiance Equalization Index, Dynamic Photovoltaic Arrays (DPVAs), Sorting Reconfiguration lgorithm (SRA), Exhaustive Evaluation Reconfiguration
Algorithm (ERA)
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