Paredes, Angel Ignacio | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Nuño, Emmanuel | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Loria, Antonio | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique |
Resumen: This paper proposes a solution to the consensus formation control problem for agents with nonholonomic constraints and network communications subject to time-varying delays. The proposed controller addresses the consensus paradigm using a bounded input design without requiring velocity measurements. Network communications between the agents occur over an undirected graph topology. In order to deal with the nonholonomic constraints we design the controller to be time-varying using a persistence of excitation term. A comparative simulation analysis, with an unbounded control scheme, is provided.

¿Cómo citar?
Paredes, A.I., Nuño, E. & Loria, A. (2024). Consensus Control of Nonholonomic Vehicles with Input Constraints and Time-Varying Delays. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 344-349.
Palabras clave
Multi-agent systems, formation control, consensus control, nonholonomic systems, time-varying delays
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