Palacios Pantoja, Alejandra | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Marquez-Rubio, J. Francisco | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Del Muro Cuéllar, Basilio | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Vazquez-Guerra, Rocio Jasmin | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Resumen: This paper deals with the stabilization problem for unstable second order systems with time delay. The implementation of an observer scheme that makes use of a static gain parameter and a proportional-derivative (PD) controller is proposed. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the control scheme proposed are obtained. The performance of the proposed method is showed through numeric examples on simulations.
¿Cómo citar?
Palacios Pantoja, Alejandra; Marquez-Rubio, J. Francisco; Del Muro Cuéllar, Basilio; Vazquez-Guerra, Rocio Jasmin. Control for a Delayed System with Two Unstable Poles. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 284-289, 2023.
Palabras clave
Control de Sistemas Lineales; Control Clásico; Control de Procesos
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