Ramírez Mendoza, Abigail María Elena | CONACYT-CIIIA-FIME-UANL |
Resumen: The design of the control law for a PID controller is developed with base on the innovative learning algorithm of the Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neurons (AFSNs), for tuning of the proportional, integral and derivative gains, and the filter coefficient of a PID controller in parallel form. The PID controller for a gas turbine model is presented as an illustrative example. The simulation of the results of the application of the AFSNs for the tuning of the gains of the PID controller are performed in MatlabTM environment.
¿Cómo citar?
Ramírez-Mendoza A. M. E.. Design of a PID Controller Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neurons. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 542-546, 2018.
Palabras clave
Learning algorithm, fuzzy neuron, Adaptive Fuzzy Spiking Neuron, PID tuning, control law
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