Aldrete Maldonado, Christian | Tecnológico Nacional de México Tijuana |
Ruiz Perez, Axel Antonio | Tecnológico Nacional de México Tijuana |
Coria, Luis N. | Tecnológico Nacional de México Tijuana |
Ramirez-Villalobos, Ramon | Tecnológico Nacional de México Tijuana |
Resumen: This work presents the design of an extended Kalman filter for electrical angular position error estimation of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor. The method uses the Riccati equation to find an optimal gain value for the filter. The Riccati equation is solved using a 4th-order Runge-Kutta algorithm. The filter also successfully estimates the motor currents and angular speed. The Kalman filter allows to perform speed control when the motor presents a misalignment error and is subjected to a time-varying load torque. Finally, high-precision emulations validate the operation of the filter.

¿Cómo citar?
Aldrete Maldonado, C., Ruiz Perez, A.A., Coria, L.N. & Ramirez Villalobos, R. (2024). Electrical angular position error estimation for a permanent-magnet synchronous motor via extended Kalman filter. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 256-261.
Palabras clave
Extended Kalman filter, electrical angular position, speed control, PMSM
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