Pablo-Sotelo, Abraham de Jesus | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Lozada-Castillo, Norma Beatriz | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Luviano-Juárez, Alberto | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Hernández-Gómez, J. J. | Instituto Politécnico Nacional |
Resumen: Attitude determination and control systems in nano-satellites require reliable verification systems capable of reproducing the conditions that the system may encounter in space, such as weightlessness, electromagnetic disturbances, etc. In this regard, testing benches commonly use air suspension systems, which require precise initial positioning. For this purpose, mass balance models are employed, allowing the system to reproduce or be controlled under precise and controlled disturbances, closely aligning with the design guidelines set by international space agencies.

¿Cómo citar?
Pablo Sotelo, A.J., Lozada Castillo, N.B., Luviano Juárez, A. & Hernández Gómez, J. J. (2024). Euler-Lagrange model for balance system of a Testing Bench for Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Systems for 1U CubeSat. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 97-101.
Palabras clave
Modeling, Hardware-in-the-loop simulation, Mechatronic systems, Supervision and testing, Space systems, Attitude Determination and Control Systems
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