Gonzalez Martinez, Jorge Lazaro | Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon |
Alcorta-García, Efraín | Universidad Autonoma De Nuevo Leon |
Resumen: The development of fault tolerant control systems is the subject of this paper. By using supplementary control it is possible to increase the fault-tolerant capability of a control system. The supplementary control has the advantage of not modifying the nominal control, because the control action that is added to compensate the effect of faults on the system is implemented by an additional control loop. The nominal control loop remains as an inner loop and the new control loop as an outer loop of a cascade control. The main advantages of the proposal are that fault tolerance is achieved without modifying the nominal control, the correction to the effect of faults is done automatically and it is possible to improve the behavior of the system. Simulation results confirm the described results.

¿Cómo citar?
J. L. González Martínez & E. Alcorta García. Fault-Tolerant Supplementary Control Synthesis for DC Motor with Variable Load. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 286-291, 2021.
Palabras clave
Fault Tolerant control, Cascade control, DC Motor, Internal Model Principle, Inverse system
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