Sandra Marquez | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Yuriy S. Shmaliy | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Oscar G Ibarra-Manzano | Universidad de Guanajuato |
Resumen: An analysis of the electromyography (EMG) signal features is provided to realize whether a subject has made some motion or not. In this paper we determine such features and specify the motion characteristics required in the prothesis robotics. An accurate features analysis requires the EMG signal envelope, which is highly affected by diverse artifacts and unknown non Gaussian noise. It is shown that noise and artifacts can be efficiently suppressed if to use filtering algorithms developed for colored measurement noise (CMN). An efficient filtering algorithm is presented to remove the EMG envelope artifacts. It is also demonstrated that the EMG signal features can be extracted with more accuracy under the CMN. Extensive experimental investigations are provided using diverse EMG signal data.Feature analysis in biomedical signals often requires the calculation of the envelope. However, envelope acquisition methods extract undesirable artifacts; Therefore, many researchers develop extraction techniques. We will present filtration processes to remove EMG envelope artifacts, which estimates the linear envelope of the signal at the output. Finally, we will know if the EMG envelope gives the optimal features for an accurate prediction.
¿Cómo citar?
Sandra Marquez, Yuriy S. Shmaliy & Oscar G Ibarra-Manzano. Features Classification of EMG Signal Envelope under Colored Noise. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Palabras clave
EMG signals, envelope, filtering, features, classification
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