Cruz-Zavala, Emmanuel | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Aldana, Carlos | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Moreno, Jaime A. | Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico |
Nuño, Emmanuel | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Resumen: This paper proposes a control scheme in order to attain finite-time regulation of robots manipulators in the task-space. The stability analysis is carried out by means of strict Lyapunov functions since the well-known results of homogeneous systems cannot be applied directly. Simulations results verify the performance of the proposed control scheme.
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Cruz-Zavala, Emmanuel; Aldana, Carlos; Moreno, Jaime A; Nuño, Emmanuel. Finite-Time Regulation of Robot Manipulators in the Task-Space. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 169-174, 2023.
Palabras clave
Control de Sistemas No Lineales; Robótica y Mecatrónica; Control Basado en pasividad
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