Bastidas Montiel, Valentina | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Camacho López, Ruben Ezequiel | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Ruiz Frias, Edwin Ivan | Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México |
Resumen: This work presents a system based on a linear array of 6×1 photoresistors capable of reconstructing an image printed on paper, using an Arduino development board for analog scanning and an algorithm based on Kalman Filter for image processing, so that it can be evaluated the quality of the resulting images.
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¿Cómo citar?
Bastidas Montiel, Valentina; Camacho López, Ruben Ezequiel; Ruiz Frias, Edwin Ivan. Image Reconstruction Using an Array of Photoresistors and Kalman Filter. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 413-418, 2023.
Palabras clave
Sistemas Electromecánicos; Cómputo para Control; Sincronización de Sistemas
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