Alejandro Castaño | CINVESTAV |
Oscar Santos-Estudillo | CINVESTAV |
Gerson Portilla | CINVESTAV |
Sabine Mondié | CINVESTAV |
Resumen: We compare three existing criteria which provide necessary and sufficient stability conditions for linear time-delay systems. An outstanding property of these conditions, based on the delay Lyapunov matrix, is that the decision is made via a finite number of operations. The main ideas of each method are briefly introduced and tested on two illustrative examples. A discussion of the result is presented.

¿Cómo citar?
Alejandro Castaño, Oscar Santos-Estudillo, Gerson Portilla & Sabine Mondié. Necessary and sufficient stability conditions for time-delay systems: a comparison. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 50-55, 2022.
Palabras clave
Control de Sistemas Lineales; Otros Tópicos Afines
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