Castro-Romero, Luis Aldair | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Garcia-Lozano, Hiram Netzahualcóyotl | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Santiaguillo-Salinas, Jesús | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Alfonso-Jimenez, José Luis | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Gonzales-Zarate, Rafael Fernando | Universidad del Papaloapan |
Resumen: In this paper, the design of state observer control strategy for the formation following of pair of differential robots using leader-follower scheme is presented. The mathematical model of the mobile robots is constructed from kinematic extension. The non-measurable states of system are estimated by means of Luenberger-type state observers. This proposal is based on enabling a robot follower to maintain a predefined formation with respect to a robot leader. The task of the leading robot is to follow a pre-established by the user trajectory. The theoretical results are numerically and experimentally validated.
¿Cómo citar?
Castro Romero, L.A., Garcia Lozano, H.N., Alfonso Jimenez, J.L., Santiaguillo Salinas, J. & Gonzales Zarate, R.F. (2024). Observer Based Trajectory Tracking for a Leader-Follower Scheme. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 226-231.
Palabras clave
leader-follower scheme, Luenberger observer, extended kinematic model, differential-drive robots, formation tracking
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