Pérez-Estrada, Abraham Jashiel | CENIDET |
Osorio-Gordillo, Gloria-Lilia | Centro Nacional De Investigación Y Desarrollo Tecnológico |
Alma, Marouane | Darouach, Mohamed |
Flores-Martínez, Miguel-Agustín | Tecnológico Nacional De México/Centro Nacional De Investigación |
Olivares Peregrino, Víctor Hugo | Centro Nacional De Investigación Y Desarrollo Tecnológico |
Resumen: This paper presents a design of a generalized dynamic observer (GDO) for polytopic quasi-LPV (Linear Parameter varying) system where the parameters depend on unmeasured state variables. It generalizes the existing results on the proportional observers and proportional integral observers. Conditions for the existence and stability of the obtained observer are given through Lyapunov approach and L2 gain and its design is obtained in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMI). The performance and effectiveness of the proposed observer structure are illustrated by a numerical example.
¿Cómo citar?
A.-J. Pérez-Estrada, G.-L. Osorio-Gordillo, M. Alma, M. Darouach, M.-A. Flores-Martínez & V.-H. Olivares-Peregrino. Observer design for quasi-LPV systems with unmeasurable scheduling functions using the norm-L2 approach. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 102-107, 2018.
Palabras clave
Generalized dynamic observer, quasi-LPV systems, unmeasurable scheduling functions
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