Galicia, Tonalli | Tecnológico Nacional de México, Tijuana |
Coria, Luis N. | Tecnológico Nacional de México, Tijuana |
Campos Hernandez, Paul Javier | Tecnológico Nacional de México, Tijuana |
Gamboa, Diana | Tecnológico Nacional de México, Tijuana |
Resumen: This paper presents the design of an observer for a nonlinear model that describes the I and II Types of Diabetes Mellitus. The model includes a sigmoid function to represent the behavior of a discontinuous nonlinear function. Therefore, we give the conditions for the required gains for the observer’s convergence.

Observer for a Diabetes Mellitus mathematical model with a sigmoid function
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¿Cómo citar?
Galicia, T., Coria, L.N., Campos, P.J. & Gamboa, D. (2024). Observer for a Diabetes Mellitus mathematical model with a sigmoid function. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 43-48.
Palabras clave
Observer, Diabetes Mellitus, Sigmoid function
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