Luis Alberto Barragan Bonilla | Universidad Veracruzana |
J. Francisco Marquez-Rubio | Universidad Veracruzana |
Basilio Del Muro Cuéllar | Universidad Veracruzana |
Miguel Angel Hernández Pérez | Universidad Veracruzana |
Resumen: One of the simplest techniques to control the unstable linear systems consists of estimating delayed signal before being delayed, to be used in the control stage. Using an observer/predictor may be convenient for this purpose when it does not has access to such an intermediate signal. In the present work, a control strategy based on an observer/predictor is proposed, which is an extension to previously carried out work. In this paper, the design of an observer/predictor for second-order systems, which contains a pole in the origin, an unstable pole and the output delay is proposed. The methodology to demonstrate the existence of the proposed observer/predictor and, the procedure for tuning parameters are presented.

¿Cómo citar?
Luis Alberto Barragan Bonilla, J. Francisco Marquez-Rubio, Basilio Del Muro Cuéllar & Miguel Angel Hernández Pérez. Observer/predictor desing for unstable delayed linear systems with one pole at the origin. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Palabras clave
delay, observer, stability, predictor, unstable systems
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