Hernández, Alexander | Universidad de Guadalajara |
del Puerto-Flores, Dunstano | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Zuniga, Pavel | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Resumen: This paper presents a brief survey of some of the main results in the negative imaginary systems theory and its applications. In particular, the paper concentrates on the application of lossless negative imaginary property for the characterization of the LCL filter, widely used for grid-connected inverters. The characterization is established when the (all possible) LCL filter transfer functions satisfy the lossless negative imaginary conditions. The results are compared with the frequency response of the LCL filter transfer functions.

¿Cómo citar?
Hernandez, A., del Puerto Flores, D. & Zuniga, P. (2024). On Lossless Negative Imaginary Property for the Characterization of LCL Filters. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 286-290. https://doi.org/10.58571/CNCA.AMCA.2024.049
Palabras clave
lossless negative imaginary system, LCL filter, grid converter
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