Delsordo-Bustillo, José Ricardo | ITESO AC |
Soulé-Ascencio, Santiago | ITESO AC |
González-Jiménez, Luis Enrique | ITESO AC |
Resumen: This paper proposes a position controller for a DC motor based on block control and sliding modes. The load torque of the motor is considered as an unknown bounded disturbance; hence the characteristic robustness of the sliding modes is used to minimize its effect on the tracking performance. In addition, a sliding mode observer is used to retrieve the state variables that are not measured directly. The stability analysis is presented to demonstrate de convergence of the angular position of the motor to a desired time-varying reference despite the unknown load torque. Simulations results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed control and estimation scheme. Finally, the conclusions and considered future work are outlined.

¿Cómo citar?
José R. Delsordo-Bustillo, Santiago Soulé-Ascencio & Luis E. González-Jiménez. Position Control of a DC Motor Based on Block Control and a Sliding Mode Observer. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 588-593, 2019.
Palabras clave
Control Discontinuo (modos deslizantes), Sistemas Electromecánicos, Control Clásico
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