Juan Antonio Lopéz-Guevara | Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico |
Dunstano del Puerto-Flores | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Pavel Zuniga | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Emilio Barocio | Universidad de Guadalajara |
Resumen: This work presents the scaled-power emulator design of the doubly-feed induction generator (DFIG)-based variable speed WTS of 1.5 MW, which the power response is scaled to 1.5 kW. The design is composed by a WTS mathematical model, which software-simulated response is used for the configuration of a voltage source converter with LCL filter to act as power source simulating the operation of the WTS model. As a result, software simulation of the proposed scale-power emulator design in a grid-connected scenario is presented, which validated the design, a preliminary stage for a hardware implementation.

¿Cómo citar?
Juan Antonio Lopéz-Guevara, Dunstano del Puerto-Flores, Pavel Zuniga & Emilio Barocio. Power-Scale Emulator Design of a DFIG-Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 1-6, 2020.
Palabras clave
Scale, Power, Emulator, Design, Wind, Turbines
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