Janeth Jimenez-Gomez | CENIDET |
Gloria L. Osorio-Gordillo | CENIDET |
Carlos M. Astorga-Zaragoza | CENIDET |
Rodolfo A. Vargas-Mendez | CENIDET |
Resumen: The main objective of this paper is to describe the design of proportional integral observer (PIO) for Takagi-Sugeno system using the nonlinear sector approach. This observer improves the state estimation due to the integral part. Lyapunov functions are used to analize the stability of the error dynamic of the observer. Stability conditions are obtained in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The effectives of the proposed approach is illustrated by knee rehabilitator robot.

¿Cómo citar?
Jimenez-Gomez, J., Osorio-Gordillo, G., Astorga-Zaragoza, C. & Vargas-Mendez, R. Proporcional Integral Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno system applied to a knee rehabilitator. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 97-102, 2022. https://doi.org/10.58571/CNCA.AMCA.2022.013
Palabras clave
Control Difuso; Control Clásico; Robótica y Mecatrónica
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