Marcos A. González-Olvera | Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México |
Ana G. Gallardo-Hernández | Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social |
Jesica Escobar | Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social |
Resumen: Coronary disease modeling and prevention has proven critical to medical applications and patient evaluation. In this work, a robust observer for a fractional-order Muscular Blood Vessel (MBV) model that, using only measurements from the change in pressure, is proposed so it can reconstruct the change in the inner radius of the vessel. With this application, it is expected to provide a better prediction of future or present problems in the MBV. Parametric linear and nonlinear reconstruction, as well as state observation, is considered with noisy measurement cases. Numeric results are presented to demonstrate the capabilities of the proposed method.

¿Cómo citar?
González-Olvera, M., Gallardo-Hernández, A. & Escobar, J. Robust Adaptive Observer for a Muscular Blood Vessel Fractional-Order Model. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 368-373, 2022.
Palabras clave
Sistemas Caóticos; Sistemas Biomédicos; Modelado e Identificación de Sistemas
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