Israel de Jesús Hernández Saldaña | CINVESTAV |
Andrés Rodríguez-Torres | CINVESTAV |
Jesús Morales-Valdez | CONACYT-CINVESTAV |
Resumen: In this paper an Active Disturbance Reflection Control (ADRC) technique is proposed for semi-active vibration control for building structures. The ADRC objective is to reduce the displacement of the building, regulating the force of a magnetorheological damper to provide rigidity to the structure and thus cancel the effects of seismic disturbances. In addition, an algebraic state estimator is proposed to estimate the displacement and velocity required by the ARDC. Simulation results validate the performance of the proposed scheme.

¿Cómo citar?
Hernández Saldaña, I,, Morales-Valdez, J., Rodríguez-Torres, A. & Yu, W. Semiactive vibration control for vibration reduction in buildings through ADRC. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 7-12, 2022.
Palabras clave
Control de Sistemas Lineales; Sistemas Electromecánicos
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