Floreán-Aquino, Kevin Herubiel | Universidad Tecnológica De La Mixteca |
Arias-Montiel, Manuel | Universidad Tecnológica De La Mixteca |
Lugo-González, Esther | Universidad Tecnológica De La Mixteca |
Cabrera-Amado, Álvaro | Universidad Del Papaloapan |
Resumen: This work presents the development of a modal control applied to an automotive electronic suspension based on a magneto-rheological damper (MRD). Acting force of damping is determined by the calculation of a modal control law so-called Positive Position Feedback (PPF), to add damping to one of the two main modal forms of the vertical simplified model of a quarter car. Furthermore, the damping force is also obtained from a Multi Positive Position Feedback (MPPF) approach, to simultaneously increase the damping ratio in the two modal forms of the system. Both control strategies are implemented using a polynomial inverse model of the histeric behavior of the MRD. Obtained results from numerical simulations using Matlab/Simulink software show the effectiveness of both PPF and MPPF schemes in terms of performance in comfort and road-holding, compared with a passive suspension frequently used in tourism cars.

¿Cómo citar?
K. H. Florean-Aquino, M. Arias-Montiel, E. Lugo-Gonzalez & A. Cabrera-Amado. Single and Multiple Positive Position Feedback Control of a Magnetorheological Automotive Suspension. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 630-635, 2019.
Palabras clave
Control de Sistemas Lineales, Sistemas Electromecánicos, Modelado e Identificación de Sistemas
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