Ortiz, Reynaldo | CINVESTAV |
Saldivar, Martha Belem | CINVESTAV |
Resumen: Some mathematical models of infectious diseases or cancer use time delays to consider the influence of past states in their evolution, models that include distributed delays are more realistic since they take into account all the states in a time interval in the past. In cancer models it is convenient to know the parameter ranges for which the model is stable in the presence of a tumour. We use tools like an stability criterion depending on the delay Lyapunov matrix and a computational program to determine the roots of the characteristic equation of the linearized model.

¿Cómo citar?
Ortiz, R., Saldivar, B. (2024). Stability Analysis for a Prostate Cancer Model with Distributed Delay. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 49-54. https://doi.org/10.58571/CNCA.AMCA.2024.009
Palabras clave
Delay systems, Stability of delay systems, Stability analysis, Time domain analysis, Lyapunov methods, Systems biology
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