Illiani Carro-Pérez | IPICYT |
Juan Gonzalo | IPICYT |
Barajas-Ramírez | IPICYT |
Resumen: An ideal memristor is a device whose resistive memory value is determine by its initial conditions and the voltage that has been applied across its terminals. As such, it is a good candidate to model the textit{synaptic plasticity} of neural systems. When memristors are included in neural models, they are called memristive neural networks. In this contribution, we investigate the emergence of synchronization in an array of two identical Hindmarsh-Rose neurons bidirectionally coupled through their voltage variables via memristors. We show that, for a sufficiently large positive memductance, synchronization emerges between neurons while the memristors converge to constant synaptic weight values. We illustrate our results with numerical simulations.

¿Cómo citar?
Illiani Carro-Pérez, Juan Gonzalo & Barajas-Ramírez. Synchronization of memristor based bidirectionally coupled Hindmarsh-Rose neurons. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 516-521, 2022.
Palabras clave
Sincronización de Sistemas; Redes Neuronales; Control de Sistemas No Lineales
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