Mejia-Delgadillo, Marcos | CINVESTAV |
Garrido, Rubén | CINVESTAV |
Mezura-Montes, Efrén | Universidad Veracruzana |
Resumen: This work focuses on tuning of an I-PD controller using the Differential Evolution (ED) algorithm. The cost function employed in this research aims to minimize both the tracking error and the energy consumption of the controller. The ED algorithm shows satisfactory results in finding suitable gain values for the I-PD controller, which were validated on an experimental platform. Additionally, the study highlights the importance of incorporating the stability conditions imposed to the controller gains as constraints in the tuning process to ensure that the solutions provided by the ED algorithm produce a stable closed-loop system.

¿Cómo citar?
Mejia Delgadillo, M., Garrido Moctezuma, R.A. & Mezura Montes, E. (2024). Tuning of an I-PD Controller Applied to a Servo System Using the Differential Evolution Algorithm. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático 2024, pp. 244-249.
Palabras clave
I-PD control, Differential Evolution, Servo System, Controller Tuning, Real-Time Control
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