Huber Giron-Nieto | Universidad Iberoamericana |
Oliver Ochoa-García | Universidad Iberoamericana |
Eduardo Gamaliel Hernandez-Martinez | Universidad Iberoamericana |
Mario Ramírez-Neria | CINVESTAV-IPN |
Guillermo Fernandez-Anaya | Universidad Iberoamericana |
Enrique D. Ferreira-Vazquez | Universidad Católica del Uruguay |
Jose Job Flores-Godoy | Universidad Católica del Uruguay |
Resumen: A cyber-physical formation includes all the strategies to coordinate mobile robots moving in different physical workspaces sharing information through internet and the cloud. This work addresses a formation scheme of robots moving in two different workspaces. The control strategy is based on virtual agents used like “avatars" which must converge to the position of the robots in the opposite workspace. The control approach is designed for robots modeled as single integrators and extended to the case of unicycle-type robots. Results of numerical simulations and real experiments are shown using a low-cost cyber-physical micro-robot platform based on a camera as position and orientation sensor.

¿Cómo citar?
Giron-Nieto, Huber; Ochoa-Garcia, Oliver; Hernandez-Martinez, Eduardo Gamaliel; Ramirez-Neria, Mario; Fernández Anaya, Guillermo; Ferreira, Enrique D.; Flores-Godoy, Jose-Job. Cyber-physical Multi-robot Formation: Virtual Agents Approach and Low-Cost
Experiments. Memorias del Congreso Nacional de Control Automático, pp. 507-512, 2023.
Palabras clave
Sistemas Multi-Agente; Robótica y Mecatrónica; Control de Sistemas Lineales
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